Weekly Topic: Is it better to talk to multiple people on dating apps in case someone loses interest? What do you think? Share your thoughts or experiences in the comments! 👇
Dec 10, 2024
- Yes, keep your options open.1261
- No, one at a time is better.402
- Depends on how it feels.935
Comments 152
I'm available for meet ups text me on tele_gram @Joey7011
For me, I match the energy that is sent to me. Simple as that.
People need to invest in people rather than chasing a relationship status
I can’t speak for everyone … not expecting a big romance just communication and effort would be appreciated at least by me. And you’re right nothing wrong with that I just seek more and this is probably why I’m still single! 😆
Yea I think you miss understand what I'm saying . I believe in hedonism, I believe in instant gratification. There is nothing wrong with it people should stop expecting these great romances and just go with the flow a bit more . People expect the world when they bring the bare minimum to the table
That’s the issue … people don’t want to do that they just want the instant gratification.