Weekly Topic: Is it better to fall in love when your life’s going great or when you’re still figuring things out? 🤔 Does struggling make love more genuine, or is it better when you’re thriving and have more to give?
Would you be turned off if your date talked about their ex on the first date? What do you think? Would hearing about their ex make you lose interest, or does it depend on how they bring it up?
Weekly Topic: Is toxic behavior the same as abuse in a relationship?🤔 If someone keeps being toxic, or making their partner feel worthless—is that abuse, or is there a difference? What do you think? 👇
Na klar ich bin so ein Typ 😂
Klar, ich weiß schließlich genau was ich will und was mir gefällt! 😜
I'd marry me and have beautiful babies that would marry themselves and have beautiful babies and so on and so forth till world domination.