
3 words, 8 letters, and probably one of the most frequently said sentences in human history.❤️Though, the same words may hold different significances for each of us. How long does it usually take for you to say "I love you." in a romantic relationship? And do you tell them that often?👀 Take a poll below, and share your thoughts on whether you think it's more important to let your partner acknowledge your love through words or actions.👇

Jan 24, 2022
3 words, 8 letters, and probably one of the most frequently said sentences in human history.❤️Though, the same words may hold different significances for each of us. How long does it usually take for you to say "I love you." in a romantic relationship? And do you tell them that often?👀 Take a poll below, and share your thoughts on whether you think it's more important to let your partner acknowledge your love through words or actions.👇
  • Early in the relationship, and often.
  • Early in the relationship, but not often.
  • Late in the relationship, but often.
  • Late in the relationship, and not often.
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Comments 34


I think it depends on the individuals and how they feel about their relationship. When you say I love you it could mean different things. Like, I love you because you’re considerate, kind, thoughtful, and fun to be with. But when you say IM IN LOVE WITH YOU, that changes the meaning

Feb 06, 2022


Every day, whenever you feel it. Always tell that person that you love them, of course SHOW it, but to hear it is beautiful ❤️

Feb 03, 2022

Dee Bee

You say it when YOU are ready and of course when you actually feel it, not cause its expected or you are being pressured in to it. We are all grown up, and should know what that feeling is like, and then personally, I say it all the time cause you just never know. Life is too short...💖

Jan 31, 2022