
3 words, 8 letters, and probably one of the most frequently said sentences in human history.❤️ Though, the same words may hold different weights and significance for each of us. How long does it usually take for you to say "I love you." to your romantic partner once you started seeing them? And do you tell them that often?👀 Take a poll below, and share your thoughts on wether you think it's more important to let your partner acknowledge your love through words or actions.👇

Feb 25, 2021
  • Early in the relationship, and often.
  • Early in the relationship, but not often.
  • Late in the relationship, but often.
  • Late in the relationship, and not often.
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Once I finally develop feelings for someone and have a proper connection then that’s when I feel love and believe it’s appropriate to say it.
I used to do it early and often, now it takes time for me to say it, and not too often because the meaning gets washed out that way. I prefer showing love with my actions, and expressions like: "put your sweater on, it's cold", "call me when you get home so I know you arrived safely", etc.
Saying ,I love you is a serious n preciouse word for me . I don't say it if I don't feel it or mean it !
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It's this time of the year again, love is in the air.😘 Despite being one of the most known festive days, this February 14th might just be a regular Sunday to some. Do you treat Valentine's Day as a special day of the year? Or do you think it's just a tradition that's been blown out of proportion by capitalism?👀 Take a poll and share your thoughts below!👇 Anyways, always love yourself first before loving others. Be your own valentine. Have a nice day.❤️

Feb 13, 2021
  • Valentine's Day is a special day in my opinion.
  • I don't really care about Valentine's Day.
  • It's only special when I'm in a relationship.
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This day I would know if my partner is two timing or not If they not with you They are with someone else
I hate Valentine's day but I will love it when I have a girlfriend
Everyday should be Valentine's day. Everyday you should show your partner how special they are to you!! Don't need materialistic things, to show your love ❤
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February is the National Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month, which is dedicated to raising awareness about healthy and unhealthy relationships, warning signs and prevention.📌 Though not just teens, even adults sometimes struggle and get stuck in toxic relationships.💔 Have you ever been in a toxic relationship? How did it affect you? And what advice would you give to those who are still in one? Take a poll and share your thoughts in the comments.👇

Feb 05, 2021
  • Yes, I've been in one before.
  • Yes, I've been in more than one before.
  • No, I've never been in one before.
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I’ve had a couple actually, both of which I felt were quite controlling of me. One that got annoyed whenever I’d talk or wanted to have a voice in something and another who openly admitted she was embarrassed to be seen with me! She also tried to control me by telling me what I should wear 🙄
If it brings the bad in you Walk out
Once one feels something is hay-wire-ing ask once right away and if that doesn't work out I today WILL CUTE THE TIES RIGHT AWAY BECAUSE OF one of the two times and it's on me IT COAST ME ALOT...
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Beyoncé once sang: "If you liked it then you should've put a ring on it." Although Single Ladies was a huge hit, not everyone listens to this.👀 Do you believe in marriage? Do you think it is necessary as a monumental step for all romantic relationships?🤔 Take a poll and share your thoughts on marriage below in the comments!👇

Jan 29, 2021
  • I do, it's necessary for my ideal relationship.
  • I do, but it's not necessary for me.
  • I don't, but I don't mind getting married either.
  • I don't, and I will never get married.
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The only time I would ever pop the question is if I’m absolutely 100% sure I’d wanna spend the rest of my life with someone. But marriage in 2021 is basically just a signed document and that’s it, years ago there was religious underpinnings behind it and I’m an atheist myself.
I been wanting to be married since 8 years ago (20) heck if my idiot dad can do it I can and I'm better than him
I will never get involved with a married woman, because of the weather in some States are in place!! It's a reason why I ask the questions are you in a relationship or involved with anyone or anybody...
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