Some may say there are 3 kinds of people in the world: people who love cats, people who love dogs, and people who are allergic to them.😂Jokes aside, we do tend to believe that there is some inherent difference between those who are in these two "fandoms".👀If you had to choose, are you more inclined to date a cat person or a dog person? Which one are you? Take a poll below and share your opinions in the comments!👇
- I'm more interested in dating a cat person.345
- I'm more interested in dating a dog person.796
- Neither, I'm allergic...122
Happy Mother's Day!❤️This day is a celebration honoring the mother of the family, as well as motherhood, maternal bonds, and the influence of mothers in society.👏Here's a fun trivia: do you know where the word "mom" comes from? Take a poll below and tell us the correct answer in the comments if you know!👇
- It comes from the Latin word "mater".313
- It comes from the first sound babies vocalize.101
- It originates as a shortened form of “mamma”.138
You don't need to be a hopeless romantic to be familiar with the story of Romeo and Juliet.❤️ However, not everyone subscribes to the idea of there being a stars-aligning, epic love story with someone perfect for them. Do you think the perfect relationship comes from waiting for one's soulmate or putting effort into making things work with someone available at the moment?👀 Take a poll below and share your thoughts in the comments!👇
- I prefer waiting for the perfect one to come.255
- I prefer working on what I have available.130
- I just do what comes naturally.654
Not everyone discloses their romantic history to others at the beginning of a relationship.🤔But if they did, or somehow you found out about their history, would you still date someone who has been unfaithful in their previous relationship?👀Take a poll below and share your thoughts or experience on this in the comments.👇
- Yes, it doesn't bother me.280
- No, I'd never.375
- I might consider, if they are honest about it.1097