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Hey everyone, we hope you're having a great day!✨ This post is for all our users in the states.🇺🇸 Comment down below if you want to mingle and connect with others.💞 Leave your location too if you want to meet up, remain socially distanced if needed. Take good care of yourself and have fun!👏

Oct 27, 2020
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Hey from red deer Alberta
Mark from the united kingdom
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Hey everyone, having a good week so far?✨ We all have ups and downs in our relationships, and sometimes things come to an end.😟 However, a relationship could have reached the finish line romantically, but then blossom into a solid friendship.🤝 How did things end for you and your ex? Do you think it's best to have a clean separation to avoid potential jealousy and drama? Or to try and see if there's hope for amicability?👀 Take a poll below and share your thoughts in the comments!👇

Oct 03, 2020
  • We are still best friends
  • We remain in occasional contact
  • We prefer not to cross paths ever again
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My ex we are not cool at all no hate just didn't see eye to eye on things so we just stopped seeing each other and talking altogether.
Forgive and forget. I dont remember my exes anymore. 😂
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Hey everyone, we hope your week has been great!✨ Have you ever heard of the term PUA? If not, then you have probably heard of people that use “games” and manipulation to get sexual success with others. They are called pick-up artists.👀 PUAs use things like “neg”, an insult wrapped behind a compliment, to lower their targets' self-esteem or to make them self-conscious, hence making them feel compelled to seek validation.😢 See some examples below. Have you ever been PUAed? Take a poll and share your experience with us in the comments!👇

Sep 28, 2020
  • Yes, I have
  • No, I haven't
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We get taken advantage the most and it hurts to be honest until we had enough it’s not okay to not value a bigger person just because we are bigger we are human we have potential and have lots of love and time to offer plus size dating is a nightmare let’s start bringing that topic up
How is there more no’s than yes lots of men love to take advantage of us because most of us not all have low self esteem I’m definitely one of them we really should start to talk about how men and women do this too take advantage of the fact that we aren’t the ideal looking person and run with it
Women do mostly that
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Hi everyone, we hope it’s been another great week for you all!✨ Today, let’s talk about something we all have... turn-offs!😣 When you are dating someone, what would definitely make you want to stop seeing them? Where would you draw your line?🤔 Take a poll below and tell us about your biggest turn-offs in the comments!👇

Sep 18, 2020
  • Bad hygiene
  • Lack of enthusiasm
  • Rude towards others
  • No respect for boundaries
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If she had bad hygiene out of the starting gate I wouldn't have to excuse myself and head on down the highway and not turning back that including changing the number and anything else as I high tailing it down the highway, hell that's a good Country song lyrics I have dibes on the RIGHTS...
Debra Hall:
I don't like when people thinks they are better then other people or when they BO anad don't like to takes showers and I don't like it when someone is rude to other people or to me and I like a man who respect there women or that beats on his women
All of them are a turnoff for me.
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