The average age difference between partners has generally been around three years. But sometimes love can be age-blind.😍What is the biggest age difference acceptable for you in relationships? Take a poll below!👇Has relationships with huge age gaps ever worked out for you? Let us know in the comments!👏
- I can take a 0-3 years age difference.270
- I can take a 4-7 years age difference.606
- I can take a 7-10 years age difference.690
- Age doesn't really matter for me.1209
According to Wikipedia, polyamory is the practice of, or desire for, intimate relationships with more than one partner, with the informed consent of all partners involved.🥰Would you be open to the idea of a polyamorous relationship? What is your take on polyamory or polygamy? Take a poll below and share your thoughts and experiences in the comments!👇
- I'm open to possibilities.622
- I'm not opposed to it but it's not for me.826
- I'm currently in a poly relationship.87
According to surveys, about 75% of people have at least one fetish. In fact, most people are kinkier than you think.👀 Would you describe yourself as kinky? Would you like your partner to be kinky or more of a "vanilla"? Take a poll below and share your thoughts in the comments!👇And remember, no matter what you are into, always ask for consent first!👌
- I'd like my partner to be very kinky.1124
- I'd like my partner to be just a little kinky.942
- I'd like my partner to be not kinky at all.77
Hey everyone, wish you all a wonderful week!❤️We recently launched the Emoji Challenge feature, where you can film a video mimicking the expression of the emoji on the screen and get a video verification badge.✨Are you enjoying this feature so far? Do you prefer seeing each other on camera before meeting in real life or having some sense of mystery? Take a poll below and let us know your thoughts in the comments.👇
- I prefer seeing each other on camera first.424
- I prefer having a sense of mystery.258