
As beautiful as love is, it's okay to have fear and insecurities about dating because it could also be intimidating.👌 What would be your biggest fear or insecurity when it comes to dating and relationships? Take a poll below and share your thoughts in the comments!👇

Oct 09, 2021
  • Fear of commitment
  • Fear of abandonment
  • Fear of intimacy
  • Fear of rejection
  • Fear of awkwardness
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Jeanette :
I just don't want a date to go badly because I can't think of anything to say. I've had my kind go blank I. Social situations before and then people think im stuck up.
If you have any of those fears.....you shouldn't be in a relationship.
Chris C.:
I have a fear of not being physically attractive enough for anyone to ever be interested in me. I've been body shamed before, and it really hurt me mentally
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Your profile is almost like your resume for online dating, and it is all about how you present yourself.👌What is the biggest online dating cliché that you just can't stand? Take a poll below and share your thoughts in the comments!👇

Oct 03, 2021
  • Men who wrote “if it matters” after their height
  • People with almost blank bios
  • Cheesy pickup lines and lame puns
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Jeanette :
A blank profile just makes it seen look youre not that interested or it a scam.
Im male 42 so unless i way gay then be able to give an option
None of the above after everything I've been through my last five years online dating my biggest fear or my biggest hang up is trusting and believing anything that I see read or I am being told online dating is very very difficult I've had more difficult than any other dating
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A lot has changed since the pandemic, for some of us, body image is one of them. Some might feel self-consicous about going back into the world because of changes to their weight during the pandemic.😔Although it could take a toll on self-love, it's normal for our bodies to fluctuate and change, especially in a time of stress like this.👌Has your relationship with your body changed since the pandemic? How have you been handling it? Take a poll and share your stories below!👇

Sep 26, 2021
  • I've become better at loving my body and myself.
  • I felt better about my body before the pandemic.
  • My relationship with my body remains the same.
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Dallas J:
I learnt to come to terms with my body image issues a little more as I acknowledge how busy I’ve been recently. I struggle to gain weight and muscle mass due to having such a fast metabolism and I’m naturally slim anyway. But I attend to the gym to keep my fitness on check whenever I’m free.
Noah Walker:
It’s been about the same. Not perfect, but not in the worst circumstances.
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We all have ups and downs in our relationships, and sometimes things come to an end.😟However, a relationship could have reached the finish line romantically, but then blossom into a solid friendship.🤝How did things end for you and your ex? Do you think it's best to have a clean separation to avoid potential jealousy and drama? Or to try and see if there's hope for amicability?👀Take a poll below and share your thoughts in the comments!👇

Sep 21, 2021
  • We're still friends
  • We only talk occasionally
  • We prefer to never cross paths again
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I got rid of her because she was incapable of telling anyone the truth
Different dynamic but my most current ex and I speak occasionally because I am very close with his mother and she’s very old. But I agree clean breaks are better most of the time
I don’t want my exes around at all. I don’t hate any of them, but when it’s over…it’s over.
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