Everyone has some sort of picture of who they classify as the ideal mate❤️, from their sense of humor to their looks to the way that they treat you. However, there are things that we hope to never encounter, too. What do you think is the biggest deal-breaker in a relationship. Take a poll and share your thoughts in the comment👇
- Self-centered318
- Know-it-all118
- Fear of commitment255
- Abusive1356
Sometimes a relationship needs a good push to get going, while some need time to progress slowly to work their magic🪄. Do you rush into a relationship easily or do you prefer to take things slow? Take a poll and let us know what are the signs that you're rushing into a relationship and why do you prefer to take things slow. Please share your thoughts and comment below.
- I rush into a relationship easily.220
- I prefer to take things slow.573
- It depends on the one I'm seeing.831
Gift-giving ought to be the best part of special days, such as valentine's day, anniversaries, and birthdays. But for many, it could be emotionally difficult and strain relationships. How important gift-giving is in a relationship? Do you think it helps or gives you pressure? Take a poll and comment below to share your thoughts.
- It's important, I enjoy giving gifts more.603
- It's important, I enjoy receiving gifts more.152
- I don't like the idea of gift-giving.49
- I give gifts because I think I have to.38
- I don't really mind.333
- Gift-giving stresses me out.114
Thinking about getting a dog, cat, guinea pig, or any other kind of pet? Many reliable researches have highlighted the fact that keeping a pet is healthy. If you are single, pets can help alleviate depression, decrease feelings of loneliness. When you are in a relationship, a pet can help connect a couple and merge your lives. The joint responsibility and love for your pet can bring you closer and unite the two of you in a more official way than you anticipate. Take a poll and let me know what you think about getting a pet?
- I will get a pet when the time is right397
- I have a pet950
- I am not a pet person104
- I'd love to get a pet, but I have allergies56