- Screenshot and send it to my friend.1278
- Confront my friend's partner.300
- Ignore it.511
Abbie :
The reason I said ignore it.... I'm not ignoring it because I don't want my friend to know... My type of person will warm up to telling my friend. But I believe the truth will always fall out. I don't like breaking up a happy home. I don't like being in people's business because of a backlash
I had this happen my friends husband was on POF or some shit so I took a screen shot and told her. They stayed together. But they were both cheaters. I’d want to know if it was me. Being cheated on sucks
Hook up with them 😏
Every year, during the month of June, the LGBTQIA+ community celebrates in a number of different ways. Across the globe, various events are held during this special month as a way of recognizing the influence LGBT people have had around the world. Would you want a "Rainbow Badge🌈" displayed on your profile if it's available? Take a poll and let's make it happen.
Jun 07, 2022
- I'm LGBTQIA+. I'd love to have a Badge.353
- I'm LGBTQIA+. I don't want a Badge.98
- I'm not LGBTQIA+. But it'd be a good idea.376
- I'm not LGBTQIA+. I don't really mind.415
Ive got daughters that have gf bfs and one who decided to have a boys name now but never change how much i love them and miss them every day
96 out of 1118?
That’s less than ten%.
Voting for I’m cool with folks being LGBTQ and don’t care to wave that flag.
Thanks Irene for bringing the bigots out. This is sad that the way someone loves another is such an issue. It’s 2022 and we need to do better. Just sad
- Ghost them.216
- Tell them you're not interested.2248
- Pretend that you enjoyed it.168
- Make up an excuse to get out of dealing with them.196
In college there would be no question I would ghost every single person and expect to be ghosted back now that I’m older I would never dream of ghosting somebody or being dishonest with my feelings what the hell happened?
Interesting... so much votes for being honest.
Personal experience 10 out of 10 ghosts. Maybe 1 out of 20 is honest and you got married lol
Noon of these options are acceptable. I would tell the person that I didn't particularly enjoy the date and ask if I could plan the next one. Don't be dishonest and don't be rude. Both are unnecessary. And neither are helpful to either party.
- Yes.322
- No.1660
- It depends.368
Jason :
I’ve done that before.
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