Weekly Topic: Should you leave if you feel your partner is losing feelings? How do you decide if it’s just a rough patch or the end of the road? Share your thoughts and experiences below!👇
- Yes, it’s better to leave.418
- No, talk it through first.1673
- Depends on the effort invested.832
Weekly Topic: Is it okay to put all your cards on the table before starting a relationship, or is it being too forward? Are you an open-book dater, or do you take your time? Share your thoughts or your own experiences below! 👇
- Yes, be upfront!1726
- No, it’s too soon.249
- It depends on the vibe.1400
Weekly Topic: Is it better to talk to multiple people on dating apps in case someone loses interest? What do you think? Share your thoughts or experiences in the comments! 👇
- Yes, keep your options open.1255
- No, one at a time is better.398
- Depends on how it feels.932
Weekly Topic: Would You Be Mad if Your Partner Crossed a Boundary for Money?💰🤔 Would you feel disrespected? Or would you understand their reasoning? Drop your thoughts below! 👇
- Yes, I'll be mad.860
- No, if it's for good reason.452
- It depends.860