During the dating stage, at what point should you disclose more personal information about yourself?---The topic for this edition of Weekly Talk comes from our user, Angelique.🎉 If you have great ideas, please leave them in the comments below.👇
- 1st date.420
- 5th date.229
- It depends.1530
Who pays on the first date? ---The topic for this edition of Weekly Talk comes from our user, J.S.🎉 If you have great ideas, please leave them in the comments below.👇
- Man1514
- Woman258
- Whoever asks the person out.1610
Are sexy pictures more attractive or just normal all day selfie? ---The topic for this edition of Weekly Talk comes from our user, Sabrina.🎉 If you have great ideas, please leave them in the comments below.
- Sexy pictures.1554
- Normal all day selfie.1427
Will being single for a significant amount of time, i.e., 5+ years, scare guys off? ---The topic for this edition of Weekly Talk comes from our user, Grrrpsychos.🎉
- Yes, it will scare me off.408
- No, I won't be scared.1157