Healthy eating and dieting are often used interchangeably. However, there is a world of difference between the two. Eating healthy does not mean imposing stringent dietary limitations or starving your body. It refers to a lifestyle change that entails throwing unhealthy food choices out of the window and replacing them with more nutritious alternatives. It is crucial for the plus-sized to be conscious of their food habits, as being overweight means being at a higher risk of various medical conditions. Here are some healthy choices that can make for healthier plus-size bodies.
Eating in Moderation
People with big bodies tend to have a voracious appetite. After all, you require a larger calorie intake to maintain your energy levels. The key here is to understand the difference between enjoying a hearty meal and gluttony. The first important step to eating healthily is to eat in moderation. You can’t, however, aim to change your eating habits overnight. Focus on one small change at a time and aim to make it a habit before moving on to the next milestone. Choosing a small plate to eat from is a good way to reduce your food intake. A fuller plate stimulates a sense of satiation in the brain, helping you feel full with less amount of food.
In addition to focusing on smaller portions of food, you should also spend more time with your food and take time finishing your meal. Eating slowly helps your brain send a timely signal to your body that it has consumed adequate food. Eating in the company instead of eating alone also helps in lowering your food intake.
Phase out Unhealthy Foods
Another crucial element of healthy eating is to phase out unhealthy food choices and replace them with healthier alternatives. For instance, you could replace a steak with a salad one day and try to sustain that habit for as long as you can. It is important to reduce your reliance on processed foods and packaged meals, and instead focus on freshly prepared food. Cooking your own meals plays a vital role here as it gives you the power to monitor what goes into your food.
The prime focus should be on consuming less carbohydrate-rich foods and less refined sugars, as these are sources of empty calories. Replace unhealthy carbs with healthier ones such as whole grains, animal fats with vegetable fats – using olive oil instead of butter, for example – and processed or red meats with lean protein such as poultry and fish.
When You Eat is as Important as What You Eat
The time at which you consume a meal has a great impact on your body’s metabolism, thereby determining how well your body processes the food you consume. Sticking to a regular meal schedule does your body a world of good. The importance of a wholesome breakfast, followed by several small meals instead of two large ones cannot be reiterated enough. It is also essential to give your digestive system a little rest. Going light on dinner is a thumb rule to swear by. Try to time your dinner in a manner that your body gets at least 12-14 hours of fasting time before the next breakfast.
While you make these changes in your eating habits, bear in mind is that the purpose is not to shed a drastic amount of weight or attain a skinny body type but to steer yourself toward overall well-being and good health.