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    Blogs/Body Positivity

    Curvy Girls Take Charge: A Guide for You to Take the First Step

    by Ellie

    curvy girl dating

    Though skinny girls might seem to get more attention, curvy girls have it all. You’ve got all the assets to look stunning in an evening dress, and you should consider yourself lucky. You’ll never have to do a squat challenge or wear padded bras. While you can make the best of your attributes and turn heads, sometimes it can be hard for you to make the first step.

    Just like you’ve got what it takes physically, you should keep in mind that you also have a strong personality. That’s why you shouldn’t be afraid to take charge. Even though 40% of Americans use online dating to meet other people, there are other ways to make the first step and allure a guy you like.

    Show Him the Signs Before You Approach

    Flirting is a great way to test if someone likes you by making eye contact or smiling. Short glances should be enough to help you understand if he’d like to play around, and a smile will help you feel less nervous. If he responds, chances are your approach will be a success. You basically get a green light to take charge.

    Don’t Wait Too Long

    Sitting at home won’t get you anywhere. You need to get up, dress up, and put yourself out there. Go to places you love, so that you feel comfortable enough to approach someone. Be straightforward, open, and communicate clearly. If you’ve never done this before, you might get nervous, but practice makes perfect. After all, if you get rejected, you should know that the guy you approached wouldn’t be the one anyway.

    Be Brave

    Hasn’t the body positivity movement taught you enough by now? You deserve the best, and mustn’t settle for the rest. There are many guys out there who love curvy girls—all you have to do is find them. Occasionally, you’ll hear a little voice in your head telling you that you’re not good enough. Ignore it. Be yourself, never hide who you are, and let your curvy attributes and your personality work for you. That also goes for online dating.

    Ask Questions

    Questions can be great conversation starters. If you’re at the gym, ask the guy you like to help you start the machine you want to use. Bar? Ask what he’s drinking. Restaurant? No problem—ask him to pass the salt. The options are endless.

    Approach but Allow for Dominance

    Men are naturally the dominant type. If you think about it, you’ll find ways to approach first, but leave enough space for them to act. Pretend like you need his help with your car or phone. Tell him that he can order you a drink. Ask him to take you to the dance floor. Just make sure he’s open to interaction before you approach.

    COVID-19 Brings About New Challenges

    With the coronavirus and physical distancing, it might be hard to approach a guy you like. Nevertheless, people still want to go out on dates, and if you follow the safety measures, you should go out, too. What’s great is that there’s less crowd, which means you’ll be free to talk to the guy more and get to know him better.

    What you should pay attention to is that some people might freak out more than others. Still, the pandemic can be a good conversation starter. You can approach with something as simple as asking him how he’s doing or complimenting his eyes if he’s wearing a mask. Offer him a hand disinfectant to show you care about safety.

    The First Step Can Be a Click of a Button

    Remember that 40% of US folks that love online dating? If you decided to stay indoors, but would still like to meet someone new, technology’s got you covered. After all, dating apps can be a great way to minimize the risk of judgment and eliminate insecurities. There are many great apps for plus size and curvy girls and guys that you’ll love.

    These dating apps make it easy to specify what you’re looking for and what you have to offer and learn more about the guy before moving on to dating in person. Plus size dating apps can positively affect your mental health too, as they can help you overcome self-doubt. While the pandemic lasts, dating apps can also make you feel safer.

    Final Thoughts

    Approaching first may not be easy, and before you do it, you should be aware of your self-worth. Many guys out there know that curvy girls have better personalities. Test the waters with eye contact before you approach, and be brave and confident to ask questions. Give the guy some space to act and be a gentleman if he wants to, and if not, don’t take it to heart.

    Don’t let coronavirus change your plans. There are great apps designed for plus size and curvy guys and girls, where you can be yourself and find someone you like. Use this time of physical distancing to talk to your crush to figure out if you like each other. You’ll have enough time to meet in person once this mess is over.