

Criminal Background Checks

WooPlus, as an online dating service provider serving residents in the state of Utah, we want to make it clear and prominent to our Utah members that we do not conduct criminal background checks on every member.

To enhance your online experience for added safety, please refer to the following safety tips:


1. Online Safety Tips

1.1 Be Cautious about Sharing Personal Information

Be cautious when disclosing identifiable details like surnames, email addresses, home addresses, phone numbers, workplaces, social security numbers, daily routines, or other personal information in dating profiles or initial correspondences.

It's totally okay to cease communication with individuals applying pressure for personal or financial details, or attempting to coax such information through deception.

1.2 Avoid Disclosing Financial Details or Making Money Transfers

Refrain from transferring money, especially using wire transfers, even if the person claims to be in a state of emergency. Sending money via wire transfer is equivalent to mailing physical cash ā€” reversing the transaction or tracing its destination is extremely difficult. Moreover, avoid sharing any information that could potentially provide access to your financial accounts. If another user requests money from you, please report the matter to us immediately.

1.3 Meet in person

Meet in Public

Choose Public Settings: Opt for meeting in well-populated public places, such as cafes, restaurants, or parks. These environments provide a higher level of safety and comfort, reducing any potential risks. Staying in public areas minimizes the chance of encountering any untoward situations and ensures there are people around to help if needed.

Tell Someone You Trust

Prior to the meet-up, share your plans with close friends or family members. Provide them with details about where and when you're meeting, along with your acquaintance's name and any other relevant information. Regular check-ins can help ensure your well-being throughout the interaction and offer peace of mind to your loved ones.


1.4 Use Block and Report Feature

Block and report any suspicious, offensive, harassing, threatening, or money-seeking behavior via WooPlus or email us wooplus@support.com

Resources for Help, Support, or Advice

Keep in mind that while adhering to these suggestions can help mitigate risks, no approach guarantees absolute safety. Should you encounter an unfavorable situation, understand that you are not to blame and assistance is accessible. Notify WooPlus about any incidents and contemplate seeking support from the resources listed below. In the event of imminent danger or requiring immediate help, dial 911 (U.S. or Canada) or reach out to your local law enforcement authorities.

RAINNā€™s National Sexual Assault Hotline1-800-656-HOPE (4673) | online.rainn.org | www.rainn.org

Planned Parenthood1-800-230-7526 | www.plannedparenthood.org

National Domestic Violence Hotline1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or 1-800-787-3224 | www.thehotline.org

National Human Trafficking Hotline1-888-373-7888 or text 233733 | www.humantraffickinghotline.org

National Sexual Violence Resource Center1-877-739-3895 | www.nsvrc.org

National Center for Missing & Exploited Children1-800-THE-LOST (843-5678) | www.cybertipline.com

Cyber Civil Rights Initiative1-844-878-2274 | www.cybercivilrights.org

VictimConnect - Crime Victim Resource Center1-855-4VICTIM (855-484-2846) | www.victimconnect.org

FBI Internet Crime Complaint Centerwww.ic3.gov

LGBT National Help Center1-888-843-4564 | www.lgbtnationalhelpcenter.org

Trans Lifeline1-877-565-8860 (US) or 1-877-330-6366 (CA) | www.translifeline.org

2. Sexual Health

We encourage all individuals engaging in sexual activity to prioritize their sexual health by engaging in open conversations with each partner and practicing safe sex

Certain STIs may not exhibit symptoms, and it's essential to remain informed about your health status. To maintain your well-being and prevent the spread of STIs, regular testing is paramount. Find a nearby clinic to get tested (U.S. only).

Asking to get tested

If possible, discuss the idea of getting tested before engaging in any form of sexual contact. This gesture doesn't imply a lack of trust; rather, it emphasizes mutual care.

Navigating STI Disclosure

Stay composed and bear in mind that countless individuals navigate the same situation. Having an STI is nothing to feel ashamed about.

Understanding the particulars of the STI you're dealing with equips you to address any queries the person you're confiding in may have. Opt for a private and relaxed setting when sharing this information.


When it comes to intimacy, ensuring mutual consent is an absolute priority

3. Safeguarding Against Financial Crimes

Caution with Personal Information

Be cautious about sharing sensitive financial details like credit card numbers, bank account information, or social security numbers with someone you've just met online. Genuine partners will understand and respect your desire to protect your financial privacy.

Stay Wary of Urgent Requests

If a match suddenly asks for money, particularly via wire transfer, it's a red flag. Avoid sending funds to anyone you've met online, even if they claim to be facing an emergency. Take time to verify the situation independently before considering any financial assistance.

Avoid Investment Opportunities

Be wary of individuals who promise quick and high returns on investments or ask you to invest in their business ventures. Scammers often use online dating platforms to target potential investors for fraudulent schemes.

Trust Your Instincts

If something doesn't feel right, trust your instincts. If a situation or request seems too good to be true or makes you uncomfortable, it's okay to decline or end communication.